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This may sound a wee bit morbid, but I have always said that I would die in my 40’s.  Seriously.  For as long as I can remember.  I think it started when I was pre-teen and had the motto “Live fast, die young”….which I still pretty much abide.  Well, I will be 43 in October.  Do you know what that means?  That means I don’t have much time left.  Little time to speak words of wisdom to my daughter, to spoil the grandchildren I have yet to be blessed with, but most importantly….to build a lasting, loving, fully devoted relationship with a man.  With such limited time remaining, and all hopes fleeting with every meaningless encounter I have, I’ve decided to write him a letter.

Before I begin, let me just state for the record – now that it’s upon me, I REALLY hope it doesn’t happen. Ok, you may now continue reading the awesomeness of my thoughts.

To Him –

If we had met, you would have thought my obnoxious loud behavior was enduring.

When together, we would have to be touching one another in some way.  No matter what.

We would have been honest and appreciative of each other.

We would have made love in the rain.

We would have constantly made jokes at the others expense while never getting angry or hurt.

We would have made plans.  You would have had great ideas and I would make amazing color coded spreadsheets.

I would have encouraged you in all your dreams and help you realize how you could be more than you thought possible.

We would have laid in bed and you would read to me.  You would stop when you thought I wasn’t listening, take off your glasses and look at me only to find me already looking at you.   We’d laugh.

Your smile would have melted my heart.

We would have taught each other things.

We would have stood up for each other.  Even if one didn’t necessarily agree.

We would have gone to flea markets and antique shows and laughed with old men and women as they shared stories of the old days.

We would have always laughed.  Always.

We would have run out of things to say.  We would have almost felt disconnected.  But we would have both known that this too shall pass.  And it did.

We would have spent hours kissing.  Often.  For no reason.

We would have spent endless hours playing with and spoiling our grandchildren.  We would have been proud.


If I die before we meet, I wanted you to know – we would have been happy.


  1. ragermt says:

    Now write a letter to the man you WILL meet. Send the energy that will call him to you. Visualize him visualizing you. And who cares if you die young, it’s better to live awesomely for a short time than to live dreadfully for a long time.

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